A Successful Digital Marketing Strategy Focuses on These 5 Things

Digital marketing is an important part of your overall marketing plan and can be very helpful in reaching your marketing and business goals. Digital marketing can include using channels like social media, email, search engines, and more to connect and engage with your target audience.

While it’s important, it can also be a lot of work, so it’s crucial to approach your digital marketing efforts with a strategy in place.

Here are 5 things a successful digital marketing strategy focuses on:


#1. You know what your goals are & how you’re working towards them

A digital marketing strategy addresses the problems you want to overcome, the goals you want to achieve, and how your digital marketing efforts are going to help you accomplish those goals. It doesn’t make much sense to put effort into miscellaneous digital marketing tasks if you don’t understand the goals you’re working towards or if your efforts aren’t designed to help you reach those goals.

For example, when you see other brands jumping on the latest social media platform, or starting a podcast, or running a contest, it can be tempting to do so too just because it seems like that’s what you’re supposed to be doing. However, it’s better to pause and assess whether or not including these things in your digital marketing efforts makes sense for your brand and audience, and will actually help you achieve your goals.

With a digital marketing strategy, you’ve outlined your goals as well as what steps you need to take to reach those goals. This way, you know the time and energy you’re putting into digital marketing will actually be worthwhile.

#2. Your efforts are based on data

Reviewing your analytics should be part of your digital marketing strategy. This way, you’ll be able to see what worked well and what didn’t. Maybe your audience responded better to particular messaging than alternative messaging. Maybe they preferred visual content with specific colors. Maybe you were able to convert more people via email than your blog. When you take the time to look at the data, you can create a better plan for the future by adding more of what works and eliminating what doesn’t. With analytics as part of your strategy, a digital marketing strategy will help ensure the actions you take are based on data and more likely to be successful. 

#3. Everyone’s on the same page

Your digital marketing strategy should include information on your goals, how you will measure success, the steps you plan to take to reach those goals, who your target audience is, how you speak about your brand and products or services, and more. With a strategy in place, everyone on your digital marketing team knows what’s going on. Whether someone is writing an email, creating social media posts, writing a blog post, designing graphics, or something else, they’ll understand how their efforts are helping to achieve the company’s digital marketing goals.

Everyone on your team will also know who the target audience is and know the messaging around your brand and products or services. They’ll be able to make sure they’re targeting the right people and speaking about your brand in the right way. This means all your marketing materials will be on-brand and designed to be relevant to potential customers. For your audience, this creates a consistent experience, no matter where they’re reading your messaging. Whether they’re looking through your blog or seeing your social media posts or reading your email, it will feel like a cohesive experience. This also helps your audience get a better feel for who your company is and what you’re all about.

#4. You can use your time wisely

With a quality digital marketing strategy, you’ll understand what you need to do and why you need to do it. When you know the actions you need to take, you can create a schedule for yourself so you have sufficient time to get everything done. A strategy helps ensure you spend your time doing things that will help you reach your goals, and that you aren’t doing everything at the last minute.

For example, if you know that you’ll need blog posts and you know what topics you need to write about, you can decide when each post will go live and add blog writing to your to-do list. Without a plan in place, you may find yourself suddenly deciding you should write a blog post and scrambling to get it done. Or, without it being officially part of your strategy, you may decide to write it later, and then it never gets written. With a digital marketing strategy, you know what your plan is so you can schedule your time accordingly.

#5. Your marketing efforts will be more successful

Having a digital marketing strategy in place will help your efforts be more successful. Think of it like going to the grocery store. If you go to the store without a shopping list, you might find yourself picking up random items, or having to decide on the spot whether or not you need certain ingredients, or picking up items just because they look good even though you don’t really need them. Sure, you end up with groceries, but do you have what you need? Do you have the right ingredients to make actual meals or just a collection of miscellaneous items?

Alternatively, if you go to the grocery store with a pre-planned shopping list, you know which items you need in order to make your meals, you know why you need those items, and you’re less likely to pick up things you don’t need.

With a digital marketing strategy, you know your goals and what you need to do to accomplish those goals. Rather than just trying random tactics and hoping for the best, you know that your actions are intentional and can help you get more leads, grow brand awareness, better engage with your audience, or whatever your specific goals might be. With a thought-out strategy, you’re more likely to be successful in reaching your target audience, engaging with them, converting them into paying customers, and encouraging repeat business.


Succeed at digital marketing with the help of Healthy Dash of Social!

Digital marketing is SO important, but it can also take up a lot of time and energy. Let us help!

Here at Healthy Dash of Social, we can handle all your digital marketing needs, from social media management and content creation to web design, email marketing, search engine optimization, and more.

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