It’s hard to deny how popular TikTok has become, with an estimated 56.9 million users in 2020 in the United States alone[i]. It’s one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the US.[ii] You can find bands, actors, influencers, travelers, politicians, and more using TikTok, but you may notice something that some users have and others don’t: a blue checkmark icon next to their username. This icon shows that you’re looking at a verified account, and is something many users strive to acquire. How do you make that happen? Here’s a look at how to get verified on TikTok.



What does it mean to be verified?

When an account is verified on TikTok, the user will have a blue checkmark icon appear next to their username on their profile and in the search results. This icon means an account has been verified by TikTok as belonging to the user it represents. For example, a celebrity might have a verified account so that you know you’re interacting with content from the actual person rather than an imposter. TikTok says they provide the icons to specific users to help other users make informed decisions about who they decide to follow. “The verified badge is a quick and clear way to let you know you are following the real deal, rather than a fake or fan account,” the platform explains on their website.


What are the benefits of being verified?

Some people see the checkmark badge as a coveted status symbol, and while you may argue that seems superficial, there are actual benefits to being verified. For one, having the verification badge makes sure people know they’re on the right account when looking at your page, rather than the page of someone else pretending to be you. People want to feel confident that they’re interacting with the real deal, and the checkmark icon is one way to achieve this. Being verified also adds an extra element of credibility to your page and helps build trust with your followers.


Who can get verified on TikTok?

When discussing verification on their website, TikTok uses phrases like “notable figures” and “high profile accounts.” They also mention brands, singers, celebrities, non-profit organizations, and professional sports teams as potentially having verified accounts. Does this mean you have to be super famous to become verified? Not necessarily. TikTok also looks at specific factors when determining who should be verified. Let’s take a look!


How to get verified on TikTok

So, how do you get verified? On several other social media platforms, you can submit a request to have your account verified. However, this isn’t the case on TikTok. Rather than reaching out to TikTok asking to be verified, you have to wait for TikTok to come to you and award the verification badge. This can be a little frustrating, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to improve your chances of getting verified. In fact, TikTok names several factors they look at when deciding who should be verified: authenticity, uniqueness, activity, and whether or not you’re following their rules.


Are you trying to become a verified account? Here are a few things to consider:

Authentic: Is your content original, or are you copying someone else’s work? Creating original content is one step towards becoming verified.


Unique: What new ideas do you share when you post? How do you use music, camerawork, editing, filters, and more to make your content stand out? Rather than sharing the same old same old, posting creative, unique content may help you get verified.


Active: How often do you use TikTok? Do you simply scroll through videos, or take the time to like and comment on content and really interact with people? When people leave comments on your video, do you take the time to respond? TikTok values users who are actively engaged when using the platform.


Following rules: This one’s pretty straightforward; if you want to get verified, you must adhere to TikTok’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.


Additional factors: While the factors above are listed on TikTok’s website as being some of what’s considered when deciding who gets verified, it’s not necessarily a comprehensive list. Rachel Pedersen, a social media strategist who says she’s personally connected with the TikTok Creator Launch Team, offers additional factors that the team at TikTok considers when awarding verification badges. These include consistent follower growth (are you gaining new followers on a regular basis?), growing watch time (are people watching more and more of your content?), media press and PR (will people be able to find you if they search for you online?), regular viral content (do you have videos going viral on a regular basis?), and having verifications on other platforms (are you verified on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter?).


Can I buy TikTok verification?

No! Please don’t try to buy TikTok verification; it’s not an option, although some people may try to scam you into thinking it is, or offer to sell verified accounts. While we’re talking about social media purchases, don’t buy followers, either. These methods will only hurt you in the long run. Instead, focus on creating quality, creative content, engaging with other users, and building your brand.


What else can I do to be successful on TikTok?

The answer to this question depends on how you define success. Do you want to grow your following, and perhaps even land some paid collaborations? Maybe you want to drive traffic to your website and increase sales. You don’t need the verification badge to do these. Take time to think about your goals and how social media will help you reach them, plus the kind of content you want to make and the kind of content your audience wants to see. Focus on creating and regularly posting unique, original, and engaging content. Interact with your followers and other TikTok users. Growth requires both action and patience.


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